
Monday, July 1, 2013

These Days

Now this is a story all about how
 my life got flipped turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there
I'll tell ya how I almost had a breakdown and pulled out my hair.
In Western NY I was born and raised...
Oh forget it.
The last few months have been so crazy. So good in so many, many ways...but also crazy.
In April I was getting really frustrated with the lack of order/organization that is usually inevitable with having a new baby.
I am the kind of person that is unable to function without a list and some kind of loose schedule. Most mornings, when I wake up, I don't even know what the h I'm doing for at least the first hour. I am in a daze. A morning fog, if you will.
Luckily, my children enjoy doing things like argueing over who just looked at them first and playing Wild Tiger Family or Let's Be Puppies Who Can Bark, Whimper And Speak The English Language from the moment they wake up, so that my feeble mind is continually rattled throughout the morning. I sip my coffee and pray random prayers like "Why God?" and "Please Jesus just help me now" until my mind finally awakens from it's slumber.

6:31 am. Rise and frickin SHINE.

The night before is my real problem because I rarely go to bed at a decent hour. I mean, HOLLA if ya hear me, but I go to bed really late because that's when Dan and I can finally hang out. We do fun things like watch the news and laugh at the overly excited meteorologist. No, really. We have the best meteorologist. He's loud, cheerful, red faced, short and quite overweight. In fact, he makes being overweight look like a ton of fun. And I almost believe it is until I look at my healthy self (aka not healthy. ie: "Girl you ain't fat, you just is HEALTHY") in the mirror.
Where am I going with this? Not sure, so buckle up.
So what with my poor going to bed schedule and my poor waking up schedule and being a mere few months post partum, I came up with a plan. Because the best time to come up with a plan is when you're sleep deprived and overwhelmed.
I decided that I would change my WHOLE buh-leeping life ALL AT THE SAME TIME.
What can I say? Go big or go home.
It works for my meteorologist.
Here was my list:
  1. Losing Weight
  2. Changing the Family Schedule
  3. Developing New Chore Routines For Me
  4. Developing New Chore Routines For Children
  5. New Nighttime Routines For Me
  6. New Nighttime Routines For Children
  7. New Morning Routines For Me
  8. New Morning Routines For Children
  9. Declutter House. Declutter It Intensely, In One Weekend So That You Have A Garbage
    Pile In Front Of Your Home That Is Of Such
    Gigantic Proportion That Upon Arriving At Your Curb, Your Garbage Man Can Be Heard Saying The Words "OH SHIT!!!" At The Top Of His Beautifully Functioning Lungs.
  10. Stop bad yelling habits.
  11. Stop biting nails.
  12. Climb Mt Laundry and Do It All At Once
  13. A Million Other Things.
  14. Try To Be Perfect.
  15. As Your Father In Heaven.
  16. Is Perfect.
  17. Smile.
This craptastic phase lasted until mid-May when I started having panic attacks. You know, at night when you really would love nothing better than to have a panic attack.
My arms aren't really that short though.

Nothing brings you to your knees like a good old fashioned panic attack.
It's just you, God, your paralyzing fears, and maybe a spider dangling from the ceiling above your head, just for good measure.
 I  have to admit that most times Dan would wake up and coach me through it. Maybe he heard me gasping for air, which is remarkable since he has sleep apnea and wears one of those loud sleep masks which I kindly left out of the drawing.
Anyway, I am now learning what they call "being gentle with yourself".
I will tell myself things like "Oh look at you, you magical little butterfly! You're really soaring now!Look at you just drying these dishes like a star!!" but I say it in a whisper (an excited whisper) so that I don't startle myself.
I reach my stout little arms around to my back and try to pat it. Sometimes I can't reach. But you know, my back understands what my arm is trying to do.
I comb my hair with a feather. I sing myself little home, in the car, in line at Target, at the public library. My current favorite is "Won't You Be My Neighbor" by one Mr Fred Rogers, a truly gentle voice in a world of stop signs and other harsh realities.
Thanks to Dwija, I might even take up Prancercising.


But seriously...It's super humbling to go through something like this (mostly because it kind of makes you feel like a freak) but I think alot of moms go through it.
I was talking to a friend about it and they said when you're having a panic attack the best thing you can remember is "This too shall pass. It won't stay like this". I know it sounds like a load, but it really helped. The same friend also recommended walking a mile every other day in 15 minutes time. No fancy excercise clothes, no treadmill. Just throw on your sneaks and get out the door. That helped me big time.
The morning is my favorite time to do this. Just being alone outside listening to the birds, burning some calories before my kids wake up and my husband leaves for work has proven to be exactly what I need to start my day right. But even when I fail to start my day that way, I have found that simply having less expectations in the morning has worked wonders. For awhile there my demands of myself and my kids were just way too much. In fact, one of the very best decisions I made was to homeschool in the afternoon instead of morning.
Sometimes you have to let go of your expectations. We look at things like Pinterest and magazines and we want our lives to look like that, all shiny and clean and put together, but life ain't Pinterest, honeychildren. Life is messy and change takes time. As my brother so wisely told me, it's kind of like the Christian life: you take a few steps forward, a few back, and you make progress a little bit at a time. That's usually the most healthy way to go, the kind that really bears fruit. Slow and steady wins the race and all that stuff.
So that's what I'm learning these days, and I feel good about it. I hope you're feeling good these days, too.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Great post, and I'm sure you're right that panic attacks are common to a lot of moms. What a blessing to have a friend to point you in the right direction! And of course that's what you're doing for a lot of other people...paying it forward.

    1. Anna, thank you!I'd be so happy if this post could help anybody, really. And yes, that friend of ours has always been such a blessing to our family!:)

  3. Ha! Yes, the best time to change ALL THE THINGS is right after having a baby. I'm certain of it. I do it every. time. So glad you're feeling better! (p.s. can we totally prancercise together? Form a Catholic homeschooling mom prancercise gang? Please?)

    1. LOL I think it would be really funny to get together and even do it once just for fun. HAHAHA! And "change ALL THE THINGS" is so funny! I was thinking of that yesterday but then I forgot..but that's so totally where I was. Thanks Mary!:)

  4. Word. What IS it about change all the things when you just got a life bomb?

    PS. Is your fave weatherman a man with the initials K O'C? Because Michael and I had the pleasure of attending a Fundraiser last week where he was the MC and auctioneer and he DID NOT disappoint. Hilarious. Sometimes on purpose. Sometimes not. <---best kind of hilarious.

    PPS. Michael and I used to bond over our amusement towards a certain new weather girl on another channel who seemed to be delivering the news through a series of interpretive lunges and reaching out at us with giant puppy hands. She also got a makeover ala "She's all that" after like 4 weeks and it was so obvious we about died. All that to say, WHAT IS IT with weather people?

    Missed you :)

    1. Dude. First of all, what you just described? With the weather people?? That is me and Dan!!! We laugh at all of them!! I might even know of the woman you are describing?? Initials, please!
      K O'C is EXAAAAACTLY who I'm talking about. LOL I would love love love to hear your tale of him being the MC. He really is the best and especially when not on purpose, as you say. Have you guys ever noticed the accordian effect on his pants? It's to die for, Nella.
      Change all the things after life bomb = I just need to control SOMEthing!!! right?!

  5. I am glad you are feeling better. I agree that a quick walk outside is just what a busy mom needs. It really helps me relax, and at the same time gives me a burst of energy.

    1. Thank you Erica! It's crazy, isn't it?? And so do-able, thank God! Cuz we moms need "do-able".

  6. Haha we too love watching the weathermen get excited about dew points and the several minutes it takes them to tell you how varying the temperature is from town to town (read: 1 degree difference from clarence to buffalo - put your coat on!).
    We are privileged enough to have K.O C at our church! He's a lectern and delivers the ever important catholic charities appeal- he always delivers! We love him and his Irish ways:)

    1. He's at your church?! Oh my gosh you're so lucky! haha I just love that guy! Thanks for commenting, Kelly:)

  7. This post is so good and SO funny. How do you do it, oh stout armed one????

    1. Thank you Dweej!!:) What can I say? If life gives you stout arms, take them little arms and grab life by the horns anyway!!! lol

  8. This post speaks volumes of TRUTH, oh yee of big eyes and short arms! Lower the bar I say. Get off Pinterest I say. Breathe I say. Have a GREAT day....and hilarious comment from the garbage man!!! Musta been soooooome pile!! ;-)

  9. Oh. Oh. Oh the panic attacks. Yes. Thanks to Dwija you have another new blog stalker. :D
    Also I love your gentle-with-yourself voice.

  10. Love. This. You made me crack up and sigh, "Oh you poor thing" at the same time. I just read about your blog on Conversion Diary, and I think it's just wonderful.

  11. Oh my goodness...I just came over from Conversion Diary tonight...and think I've encountered my twin ;) Sooo excited to read more!
