
Sunday, February 16, 2014

7 Late, Lazy, and Lengthy Quick Takes

1. Every week I say to myself, "This week I'm gonna do 7 quick takes. And then I start writing them. And then I never finish. Then Friday night I'll say "Well I guess it's too late" and I don't post.
WELL NOT THIS WEEK. I'm doin me some quick takes..LIVE ...IT'S SATURDAY NIGHT!!

It's Sunday Morning

It's Sunday afternoon. I refuse to be stopped.

So first: I'm going to THE EDEL GATHERING!!!!
Totally unexpected and I'm still in shock:)

2. Oh Winter 2014! Winter of the Sleepless Nights and Sicknesses and Other Crap.
 We have a bug right now. I thought it was a stomach bug for a sec, but it's not. It's a 'head cold, sore throat, nasty cough, runny nose, post nasal drip till the kids vomit' kind of bug and it is about to kill me. Now the baby has it, and you know what that means: doomed.

3. For Valentine's Day, Dan gave me some really beautiful flowers and he brought sushi home after his evening shift at work. But the best gift of the day was...dun dun dunnnnn..we took turns taking naps!!! You go through seasons in life where naps are the most loving thing you can offer your spouse is sleep. Also? I made him some chocolate covered bacon.

4. I have been meaning to share this next link for over a month.

 I don't normally recommend articles on child discipline, and many times I find them annoying and/or condescending, but my friend Amanda of A Life Well Loved wrote one recently  and I loved it.

I love reading stuff by Dr Ray Guarendi, but I have found that sometimes it depends on the personality of the parent. Discipline is necessary, but the goal can often be forgotten and  it can become a game of revenge where the parent seeks to "win" out of their own frustration. Relationships can become broken and lost. I really appreciate the way Amanda wrote about this and came up with ways to communicate some valuable points to her children while treating them like people.

5. Call me immature, but I posted these videos of farting olympians to my fb page and people have been enjoying it like crazy. Farts ftw!!! Spreading cheer is my calling and I am willing to fall on the fart-sword in order to do so.

6. Kelly of This Ain't The Lyceum wrote an awesome, encouraging post this week about teaching your child to read. It's so great, and I def recommend it. Last year, when we first *really* started home schooling, one of my children was having a very hard time. We use the All About Reading Curriculum, and I called them a few times in the beginning, ready to rip my own hair out. I was terrified that my child would not be able to learn. Truth is, I needed to learn. I needed to learn to chill out and stop freaking out and simply be patient and encouraging.

A year later, this same child is an excellent reader and is reading book 1 of The Boxcar Children series on his own every night FOR FUN. Not only that, but two more of my younger ones are reading now, and they love reading! They read to each other throughout the day and they love their reading lessons. They are each so proud of themselves and it's awesome.

 I'm sharing this because you have no idea how completely hopeless I felt about this in the beginning. I really thought there was something terribly wrong with my child. I know there are moms out there like me who need to hear that it WILL work if you just keep working at it and be patient. Try not to communicate your frustration to your child, and if you mess up then say you're sorry and tell your child that you believe in them and they WILL succeed! Even if your child has a disability, that's okay. They can learn to read. For real, go read Kelly's post.

7. Ok enough talking. How bout some pictures from the week? I don't normally do this, but what the heck.

making soap carving tools. i think prison inmates create these same tools.

He said his bread looks like a rabbit.

Hi Squish!

"Mm mm, honey"

Finished volume 2 of 3 for her reading curriculum this week!

Male and female downy woodpeckers.

Ribbon candy for the kiddos.
Go see Jen and all the other on-time Quick Takers!:)


  1. I cannot tell you how the Farting Olympics made my day!

  2. I totally loved the farting Olympics too -- and it shocked my teen girls to see me watching them and laughing. That was almost as much fun as the video. And I really enjoyed your 7 quick takes -- thanks for posting them. Both the article on discipline and the one on reading were exactly what I needed today.

  3. The Boxcar Children! I had totally forgotten about that series, thanks for the remind. I read Kelly's post and I just received the All About Reading curriculum in the mail yesterday, super excited to try it out. I've been struggling to teach my now 3rd grader to read for 4 years now...4 YEARS!! He is my third dyslexic reader and he's been the most difficult thus far. Just yesterday I had to field an attack from an extended family member (who was also a public school teacher) about how I am "ruining" my children with the homeschooling, and of course she cited this particular child's reading delay to prove her point. He struggles so hard to learn to read, she has no idea and it causes me such heartache as a Mom to see it. I'm glad she didn't make these comments in front of him (she has in the past) or I might have went all mother bear mode on her! Praying this curriculum helps.

  4. So sorry the kids are sick! I'll say some prayers for all of you!

  5. sorry to hear about sick kiddos :( But the photos are adorable!

  6. All my favorite bloggers are going to Edel. I'm so bummed I have to miss it. I hope you have a great time!!

    We are in round two of nasty cough/cold/plague and you are totally right. Doomed. Most nights we are up with at least 3 of our 4 kids, ugh. I am so over illnesses. We were all just sick in January for like TWO WEEKS, and now something similar is hitting the kids again. I don't think I will ever sleep again. My birthday is coming up and I am seriously considering telling everyone not to get me anything...just arrange for me to have a night of uninterrupted sleep lol. Hope you all feel better soon!

  7. Are those clothespin people making up the heart wreath? Very Pinteresting.
    I had a couple of struggling readers and it's the best when it clicks and they love to read. "Boxcar Children" will always have a special place in my heart. It was the first book my oldest literally curled up with and read on her own. I can still picture that and I was so happy that she acquired the love of reading.
    We always thought they would make a great TV series, except the Alden kids are a little too perfect.

  8. Wow, you've got downy woodpeckers? They're so cute! I haven't seen any here on the other side of the lake but maybe that's just because my part of Toronto is a little too urban.

  9. Lol...funny video. Thanks for leveling the playing field for the rest of humanity ;)

  10. As a homeschooling mom, I have to say that teaching my children to read is definitely one of the most satisfying things. It never gets old, that excitement. My youngest was having a really hard time blending sounds even though he had all the individual letter sounds down cold, and I was getting really frustrated with myself because I figured I was doing something wrong with him. Finally went to the ENT and realized that poor child had so much fluid in his ears, he couldn't hear properly. One set of tubes later and he learned lickety split!
